What does “Full Stack” mean for Epic Web

Kent C. Dodds
AuthorKent C. Dodds

Recently for the Call Kent Podcast, Brian left me a message asking what "full stack" means when it comes to Epic Web.

Here's my answer:

For the the Full Stack Vol. 1 release on Epic Web, "full stack" means that you will be building an entire web application in TypeScript. From adding stylesheets and scripting to the client side, to database optimization, implementing two-factor authentication, there's a ton of ground that gets covered.

Full stack application development requires a wide variety of tools, patterns, and techniques so the workshops use a lot of tools. Folks who went through the workshops report that even though they're not using all the same tools at work, they're still using the knowledge they gained from the workshops daily.

What you learn from the EpicWeb.dev workshop series is highly transferrable. By the end of the workshop series, you should feel confident to tackle problems in full stack web development, regardless of the tools you use.

That said, let’s get specific. In Epic Web, we’re basically constructing the Epic Stack from scratch. So we’ll be using TypeScript, React, Remix, Tailwind, Vitest, Playwright, Zod, Prisma, SQLite, Conform, Resend, Shadcn, Testing Library, and more. I’ve hand picked each of these tools (and even helped create some of them 😅) because they are the best in the business. It’s totally fine if you’re not using the same tools– Remember, people who have already done it are using what they learned with different tools.

One topic that is not discussed in depth in the first volume is DevOps. And that’s because EpicWeb.dev already has this covered for free! Check out Deploy Web Applications All Over the World tutorial on Epic Web will teach you how to deploy a multi-instance, multi-region app (with distributed data too!). It acts as a great companion piece to Full Stack Vol. 1.

Other DevOps-related topics like scheduling, error reporting, and monitoring will probably be part of the second volume (which is months away).

For now, think of "full stack" as being everything you need to know to build a secure, optimized application using TypeScript and other industry standard tools.

If you have any questions you'd like answered, leave me a message for the Call Kent Podcast!


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Kent C. Dodds
Written by Kent C. Dodds

A world renowned speaker, teacher, open source contributor, created epicweb.dev, epicreact.dev, testingjavascript.com. instructs on egghead.io, frontend masters, google developer expert.

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